WP.2: Standards and Procedures

This workpackage aims at defining the standards and procedures for external quality assurance (QA) at the institutional level. It starts by study of existing standards and procedures in Europe and at the international level. A first discussion of the existing standards and procedures and the corresponding references is done just after the roundtable on the QA model (WP.1-3). Based on this QA model, on the Lebanese Higher Education context (WP.1-1) and on the survey of existing standards and procedures the directions to take while defining the Lebanese standards and procedures will be discussed in a workshop in Europe. Then effort will be spent to propose a customized set of standards and procedures. This drafted set of standards and procedures will be simulated on several cases from the Lebanese partners institutions. It will also have to respect the international regulations and standards. The proposed standards and procedures will be submitted to the different stakeholders nationwide and a roundtable will be organized to collect their comments and suggestion. A new round of study and discussion on the basis of the collected comments will permit to finalize the set of standards and procedures that would be advertised in Lebanon, in the regional and international QA agencies and networks. Some papers will be also written and submitted to journals and conferences . This workpackage is formed of the following activities.

Subtask1 - Survey of existing standards and procedures

Subtask2 - Drafting a first set of standards and procedures

Subtask3 - Roundtable and discussion

Subtask4 - Final set of standards and procedures

  • Start date: March 2012
  • End date: October 2012
  • Lead partner: Lebanese Association for Educational Studies
  • Deliverables:
    1. Survey Standards and Procedures
    2. Draft Standards and Procedures
    3. Roundtable Standards and Procedures (report)
    4. Standards and Procedures